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2009 Review Slideshow- Angel Cher's Wildlife Photography

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View Angel Chers Wildlife Slide Show

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Angel Chers Wildlife 2010 series 1

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Angel Cher's Nature and Wildlife On Face Book

May you love animals with the same heart you love a child.

FlickrRiver- My Best Photos on FLickr

Angel Cher ♥ - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our Savior Jesus Christ

The way I see it: Moses went to Heaven believing in His God, His God who gave Him the power to part the Red Sea, who was given our commandments, His God who is Our God,
Who was born In The Flesh Our Baby Jesus born on Christmas day, Who taught in the Temple, Who healed the sick, who was crucified, died and rose on the 3rd day, who died for our sins, who will come again to Judge the living and the dead, who gave Satan full reign of this world until He comes again. Blessed Be Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
(These are not My Photos, But the blending and editing was done by me, artists unknown.)

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