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Monday, September 1, 2014


A story about love:

Gods General was Lucifer, 
A PERFECT Angel and God's most powerful angel.
HE was given Free-Will.
WELL You cannot FORCE
Love on anyone.
Lucifer wanted love...
He wondered why God was loved?
Why wasnt he loved the most?
He nolonger loved God as a result.
If we had no divine free-will,
There would be NO love...
Because LOVE cannot be FORCED!!
God cannot make a single one of us love him OR love anyone else.
HE gave you the gift its up
To you what you do with it.
WHILE It is instilled in us, Self love is not as God wanted it. LUCIFER loved Himself. This is why love is as it is.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

What about love?

What about love?

What if love
was just divinely guided
What if love was just a force
connecting two
hearts in unity?
What if love was given just a single moment in this lifetime?
What if a lifetime
of love in a single moment just ends?

Sometimes love is bittersweet, sometimes its magic, 
sometimes it's 
sometimes it
stands the test of time.

Love is love,
It is not less than-
No matter it's stay.
Love doesn't
have a happy or a sad ending 
because love
is eternal and
NEVER ends.

~Angel Cher

Friday, June 13, 2014

Why is there so much Evil and suffering?

Why is there so much Evil and suffering?

I dont know how to put it into words that dont sound horrible :(
but so very unintentionally.
So wait for it:
is my best answer. some things need more depthful answers than the first thing that pops out of your mouth.
so here goes an attempt:

short summary version:

If we were all HAPPY and fulfilled-
why would we need God?
or to be in Gods graces or even Heaven for that matter. 

(Some people subscribe to this is life:
 live it up, enjoy, live as you will but be kind,
It begins and ends here!)

 BUT for those who dont subscribe to that theory...


Because you learn nothing from
(Its brings upon 
us the 7 deadly sins, It breaks all commandments,
It makes us Gods.)

if we have all we need, why seek God-?
why seek him if we are content acting like the people did when Moses went to get the commandments.
especially for the main learning of spirituality.

I have learned, my most significant and deepest learning - and my most intimate times with God came from the times of suffering I endured,
thats where I wanted to know the source of my pain and my creator and where my faith stood in its midst?
It always came back to God, 
I always acknowledged Him in My moments of doubt.
There are loved ones gone I can only reach through God
right now, They live on to me.
where do you really learn spirituality
from the trials and sadness of life.
God let His own son be crucified and die, Jesus still learned even 
in suffering, while He was human he asked one of our own questions:
Father, Why have you forsaken me?
But God
did not, He made Him our Savior.
It may be true that God knew Evil would co-exist with Good.
There is nobody greater than God,
yet one may hear themselves say:
"I would never see of that", "If it was up to me life wouldn't be this way.",
I wouldn't design a world with evil and starving people."
remember we do not live eternally here  on earth...
this is temporal,
Our spirits live for eternity to be in Heaven or Hell.
So to what gain is it from our creator to have created Heaven
here on Earth if our bodies will die...
where will our Souls go?
after we lived a life of joy and abundance with no purpose.
But God was referenced at the dawn of time,
Throughout all earthly years,
And He is Our Creator.
While in our earthly condition we dont seem to understand why
the grand design is what it is,
We believe.
Many cant justify
and find proof...
but the great mystery of God
is that we soul search because the answers are there even when we dont fully understand, even when we
find a reason to contradict, even when
we justify it makes no sense.

Much of it comes down to do we accept what we 
feel as truth and was revealed to us, 
even in most cases our darkest hour...
or do we challenge God for the answers.
Answers that cannot be revealed
to full for each ones comprehension
just yet, but theres enough to believe.
Some mysteries and revelations
will come in time.

The biggest most painful question
is why does God allow people to starve to death?
after months to years of horrible suffering...
Its a real biggy and hurts the MOST.

Resource 1


Resource 2.

Is God a Source of Evil?
While most wonder why God does not stop suffering, there is another even greater question, asked by others: “Can evil come directly from God?” God answers: “I am the LORD, and there is none else…I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, AND CREATE EVIL: I the LORD do all these things” (Isa. 45:5, 7).
Obviously, Isaiah agreed with Job. Evil can come from God, and, though always within God’s overall control and purpose, Satan is often the vehicle that brings it. I cannot stress enough how all true servants of God must recognize the vital role of suffering within the learning and character-building process, central to the lives of all those God calls to His truth!
Paul lived what he taught! Take time to read what Paul’s ministry required him to endure by studying II Corinthians 11:24-30. This astonishing passage reveals that people can, with God’s help, handle far more discomfort, pain and suffering than they think they see its purpose.

Does this passage shock you? Does it make sense that “sorrow is better than laughter” or that “the house of mourning is better than the house of feasting”? Yet these statements are God’s PLAIN WORDS about how He views suffering—and that He actually designed this physical life to require it.

Verses 2 and 3 reveal more of God’s purpose in permitting suffering. Solomon also recorded this: “It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart. Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.”

Mankind’s suffering is not an accident. It is actually one of the most marvelous tools within God’s Plan of making sons who have developed HIS CHARACTER within them. The purpose for every human being’s life is to develop the perfect, holy, righteous character of Almighty God. Suffering is directly tied to building character. Since God is longsuffering, it is also obvious then, that no person is complete in the development of God’s nature and character until he has learned the value of human suffering!
Wise King Solomon was inspired by God to record one of the great principles in the Bible: “In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of ADVERSITY consider: God also has set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him” (Ecc. 7:14).
Did you understand this verse? God did this! God designed life so that we would face “adversity” and be forced to “consider” the circumstances we are experiencing. Certainly, adversity is no fun. It is sometimes very difficult, hard, painful, even traumatic, to endure. Yet, God said He engineered the human existence to include adversity! This seems strange to the human mind that wants a free pass to sail through life, experiencing only the good life—good times!

Notice God’s inspired answer to this question: “Though He [Christ] were a Son, yet LEARNED He obedience by the things which He suffered” (5:8).

Christ was sinless. If He was otherwise, we have no Savior. So, of course, He was without fault, blameless, sinless. Yet, this passage reveals that even Christ LEARNED from the suffering He endured. This is what God says.
Suffering completed Christ’s learning process. Yes, He (as God incarnate) was able to learn as a result of being in the flesh. Being made of flesh allowed Him to learn lessons that He would otherwise not have known. 

The REASON Christ learned from His suffering is that pain kicks the mental learning mechanism into gear! This is why Solomon said that men should “consider” when facing or suffering “adversity.”

Suffering completed Christ’s learning process. Yes, He (as God incarnate) was able to learn as a result of being in the flesh. Being made of flesh allowed Him to learn lessons that He would otherwise not have known. The REASON Christ learned from His suffering is that pain kicks the mental learning mechanism into gear! This is why Solomon said that men should “consider” when facing or suffering “adversity.”
For instance, physical pain of sufficient intensity stops people in their tracks. They begin searching for the cause of the pain. Whether it is the discomfort of an on-coming heart attack, an acute headache or the inflammation of arthritis, people want to know why their body hurts.
The apostle Paul, also in Hebrews, begins to relate suffering directly to the process of God’s purpose in making sons who reflect His character. Notice: “For it became Him [Christ]…in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings” (2:10).


Yet, in the grand scheme of things, when compared to the reward God has in store for all His begotten sons and daughters, how difficult was the suffering? Paul answers, “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God” (Rom. 8:18-19).

Paul lived what he taught! Take time to read what Paul’s ministry required him to endure by studying II Corinthians 11:24-30. This astonishing passage reveals that people can, with God’s help, handle far more discomfort, pain and suffering than they think they see its purpose.