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2009 Review Slideshow- Angel Cher's Wildlife Photography

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View Angel Chers Wildlife Slide Show

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Angel Chers Wildlife 2010 series 1

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Angel Cher's Nature and Wildlife On Face Book

May you love animals with the same heart you love a child.

FlickrRiver- My Best Photos on FLickr

Angel Cher ♥ - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Invite God

Invite God

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI ends Cuba visit with prayer that island be “house for all’’ - Cuba -

Beautiful Message Pope Benedict XVI ends Cuba visit with prayer that island be “house for all’’ - Cuba -


"The reason I am beautiful
Is not because of my eyes; glasses hide them.
Not because of my hair; it's dyed.
Not because of my teeth; they are implants.
Not because of my waistline; I have a belly.
Not because
I have no scars; I Do.
Not because I know everything; I don't.
Not because I never make a mistake; I always make them.
The reason that I am beautiful is because right, wrong or indifferent, My heart is TRUE and there is no beauty that the eye can see which is greater."
              ~Angel Cher


Sunday, March 25, 2012

What Is Miraculous

"Inspiration is the souls journey to what is miraculous, A life divine." ~ Angel Cher

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Reduce the Number of Your Name... Find Out some of it Symbolisms

for My married name - the number is 1341 which comically reduces to 9

(private joke, I had a Psychic call me one day (?) turns out She was a tenant calling to pay her rent,
and say: "the number 9 is all around YOUR life surrounding") You she said more...

So when the number came up again on a resolved and peaceful day when something really important took place...
I looked at the date and said - what is up with this darn number LOL!!!
I don't subscribe, but ironically she was right so many times and now again in my name.

and for my whole name including my confirmation name
is 2732 which reduces to 14 which reduces to 5 - So ...5

So when You go here it tells you the symbolism of the number your name was reduced to.

It is interesting, If you read the bible or read the horoscopes for fun!
I Do because Ironically and strangely enough some things the horoscopes get right only
by coincidence! LOL :)