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2009 Review Slideshow- Angel Cher's Wildlife Photography

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Angel Chers Wildlife 2010 series 1

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Angel Cher's Nature and Wildlife On Face Book

May you love animals with the same heart you love a child.

FlickrRiver- My Best Photos on FLickr

Angel Cher ♥ - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver

Friday, July 29, 2011

The United States of Profanity

The United States Of Profanity
Ok now time for some enlightment I have been around 46 years-
I'm puzzled, where did the slang phrases develop like
"I dont give a shit?" : thats good- who would want your shit? I flush my own. dickhead? who actually named the penis this?
and "fuck-me" why would you ask just anyone
to? (same with "F-You") really now!!!
There is not much profanity that makes any accurate defined response at all.
Haha was bored, watching this kid on TV say "I dont give a shit" and all this profanity so acceptable as the english language LMAO
not even rolling on the floor laughing my ass off, literally could that happen? No. Haha we are just silly people!!!
MF'er is a real bad one, If Mama only knew how many from animals to people were one of them - She would lock herself in the closet. its just the irony of all profanity- But its sad they instill it in the childrens dictionary for when the next generation president starts saying these things in love and war we will have entered into a level of America the great- America the ignorant.

By Angel Cher

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Great Photo

A Great Photo
"It's not the camera, the ability to take a great photo is an art of passion, It is when you first see the world of your subject through their eyes and not your own."

Angel Cher
I have the camera, I have the gear, the real test is do I have what it takes to bring you there to a moment captured in my subject's life, a moment they had, not a moment I had?

many photos taken with just a point and shoot depict a composition of art and a time lapsed living in the moment feel to them, this is the art of passion, a passion to show what your subject is feeling, thinking, doing and living. This is what a great photo looks like.

The best photos are taken with love, not with the camera.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What Is Peculiar

What Is Peculiar
“I may have many idiosyncrasies’ and imperfections to You - But the good thing about that is God made Me in His image … So, I can still be redeemed.”
By Angel Cher

(I discovered the need to define the word in the movie- Good Will Hunting)

I think some of the most special memories of those who have gone are in fact their little idiosyncrasies’ I recall…
Often, It was something so unique to them but something
You had to love them for, while loving them for everything else about them.

Storms Always End

Storms Always End

In our lives there
are storms of pain
and suffering, storms
of loss
and betrayal
Storms always end
where you are going
is better than were
you have been
so dance in the rain
patiently wait for the
sun to shine
knowing one day there wont
be another sunset
just an ever lasting light
so let it rain
for you are guided in your storm
and the storm will
always end

©Angel Cher